Warpaint – Lilys

Track Of The Day – Warpaint – Lilys

“Lilys” is the first new music from Warpaint in five years.  It’s apparently featured in a new HBO show Made For Love ( tagline:  “Modern Love Is a Mind Fuck.”) The show is a dark dystopian comedy about a  young woman, ( Cristin Milioti )  who escapes a suffocating marriage to a tech billionaire. She then discovers her husband has implanted a monitoring device in her brain that allows him to access her “emotional data” and track her every move.


Of the track  Warpaint singer and guitarist, Theresa  Wayman told the NME recently:The HBO show wanted to use it and so that made us finish it faster. And then the label heard it and was like, ‘Actually, we want to put this out not just have it be on the show’. It wasn’t like we started writing our album and were like, ‘OK this song is going to be the one we come out with’, but I’m happy that it’s the one leading the way. The song is asserting itself.”


Initially “Lilys” began as the band experimenting with synth sounds which eventually morphed into classic Warpaint … you know, the intricate iridescent interwoven instrumentation( that’s some alliteration) and the sublime vocal harmonies. It’s atmospheric, propulsive, and dreamlike, with a hint of menace undulating under the surface. Alas, the new Warpaint album won’t be out until at least summer 2022, but hopefully by then perhaps bands from the U.S. will be able to tour the U.K. (NB. The last time around I was so impressed with their performance that in a fit of post-gig euphoria I bought a Warpaint beanie hat from their merch stall. Sadly having a head like an overripe  watermelon it resembled a thimble atop a huge haystack. Oh well. )

Anyway take me to the tower for sedition and flay me with a Union Jack but most of my favourite music is being made by artists from the U.S. these days. Shocking eh. But not quite as shocking as the fact that Warpaint has been together for seventeen years. Yes, SEVENTEEN years! Woosh! How did that happen?  I still remember buying Exquisite Corpse like it was yesterday so it’s nice to have them back briefly and on such moody and magnificent form.


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