Laura Jean Marsh (aka Laura Trouble,) glam and stylish singer with Screaming Ballerinas casts a critical eye over how the pop gliterrati shape up in the fashion stakes, as we present Part 1 of …
Laura’s first three fashion victims are
Laura on Johnny
“Oh Johnny Johnny Johnny, I’m sure you’re a very nice boy, but there’s something about your horse-having-an-orgasm-face and your freshly waxed, puffed out, pigeon chest that make me want to head butt you. Both these poses are really not saving this contrived, camp, infuriating outfit. Im sure this was the work of some coked up stylist who thinks a plunging, white, v-neck t-shirt and skin tight white jeans are androgynous and rock n roll. But he just looks like a public school brat who’s ‘doing a spot of modelling’ in his gap year.”
Laura on Pete
“Pete looks really cool here! I wouldn’t want to suck his toes or anything but this is probably one of his best looks. Probably from the Kate days, he couldn’t have managed this on his own. Nothing better than a man in a suit. And he’s about 8 ft tall so he cuts a fine figure in this Saville row-esque creation. Pity he is probably just on his way to court.”
Laura on Bjork
“Greatful Grapefruit! I love this dress so so so much. Bjork can do no wrong. I bet she just skipped down to a lake and sang to her swan friends, romancing one into a trance thus convincing it to wrap itself around her gorgeous little body. I would die for this dress! its just so ridiculous and fabulous! I would probably draw the line at laying an egg though. Probably.”

Wooooo, Laura’s a hottie!
Yes, quite good
Lol @ “horse-having-an-orgasm-face “
Phew, she look like she knows a thing or too about style!