The VPME | Liverpool Sound City 2013 - Day 1 - Black Eye,Natalie McCool,Natasha Haws,PINS, Findlay, Black Moth. 1

Liverpool Sound City 2013 – Day 1 – Black Eye,Natalie McCool,Natasha Haws,PINS, Findlay, Black Moth.

 Day 2 | Day 3 | Liverpool Sound City 2013 – three days of amazing music and mayhem that left us utterly exhausted, but provided us with memories of some genuinely life affirming highs of

The VPME | Public Service Broadcasting - 'Inform Educate Entertain'  Review-Interview

Public Service Broadcasting – ‘Inform Educate Entertain’ Review-Interview

Public Service Broadcasting’s bold manifesto is to ‘teach the lessons of the past through the music of the future.’  The London based experimental musical duo consisting of J.Willgoose Esq. and Wrigglesworth II take samples from