The VPME | Crocodiles/Weird Dreams/Virals – SEXBEAT 5th Anniversary/Crocodiles LP Launch aboard the Royal Princess, River Thames, London – 07/06/2012 1

Crocodiles/Weird Dreams/Virals – SEXBEAT 5th Anniversary/Crocodiles LP Launch aboard the Royal Princess, River Thames, London – 07/06/2012

Words By David Cross-Kane – All Photos © Dan Kendall. Thirty-five years to the day since Malcolm McLaren – inspired by the French Situationists – decided to launch The Sex Pistols anti-Jubilee single ‘God Save

The VPME | Sound City Bulletin Day 2  1

Sound City Bulletin Day 2

A snapshot of day two at Sound City  in which we learnt a number of valuable lessons, eg. a / Photos are generally better with the lens cap “off”  b/ The porta loos at Sound