The VPME | Entertainment On Foreign Grounds - Straylings Interview And Album Review. 1

Entertainment On Foreign Grounds – Straylings Interview And Album Review.

“Carver’s Kicks” – Straylings. [soundcloud url=”″ iframe=”true” /] You may well consider it a little early in the calendar to find us excogitating over potential albums of the year and ordinarily we’d be inclined to


Songs To Learn And Sing – Jethro Fox, Frankie Rose, Toy and Creeping Ivies

Jethro Fox. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&player_type=artwork&color=ff000e” width=”300″ height=”300″ ] It gladdens our bitter and blackened hearts to hear yet more talented musicians emerging from Liverpool, keen to explore  different musical avenues and happy to leave the