If you’ve visited this blog before you’ll no doubt be aware of our love for Sarabeth Tucek and we have certainly not hid our admiration for her stunning sophomore album ‘Get Well Soon.’ She certainly didn’t disappoint in the live setting playing a short but achingly beautiful set in Manchester as part of her UK tour (on this occasion supporting energetic folk pop collective The Leisure Society.) This was the first time I’d visited Manchester’s ‘Band On The Wall’ venue run by the not for profit charity Inner City Music and it provided the perfect setting for an intimate and profoundly affecting performance from Ms Tucek. A word of warning though, should you wish to partake in a pre-gig pint , a couple of pubs in the vicinity seemed to be populated by local ‘characters’ who where unquestionably a few French fries short of a happy meal. On the plus side they would certainly provide ample source material for the writers of ‘A League Of Gentlemen’ should they ever wish to revive the series.
With her partner in crime Luther Russell, Sarabeth performed a stripped down set consisting primarily of songs from her ‘Get Well Soon ’ album. It must be a slightly strange experience singing such personal songs to a crowd of strangers but Sarabeth delivered them with elegance, eloquence and her hauntingly beautiful voice had the audience mesmerised from the first note. ‘Get Well Soon’ is an album inspired by the loss of her father and she communicates her confusion, pain and vulnerability in the face of bereavement with such dignity that you can only listen in hushed silence and feel nothing but respect for her honesty and integrity. Like all genuinely great artists Sarabeth can take an intensely personal experience and articulate it in such a way that makes it universal. This is not contrived, self indulgent navel gazing; this is raw emotion of genuine sincerity and beauty and as such is intensely moving. To take a traumatic life changing event and transform it into something so positive, inspiring and timeless is a testament not only to her undoubted talent as a songwriter and musician but also her strength as a person. Seriously, why she isn’t absolutely huge both here and back home in the States is beyond me. If her songs and voice don’t stir some emotions within you I can only assume you have ice in your veins, have a seriously defective empathy gene or are George Osborne .
It was a pleasure to meet Sarabeth and Luther after the gig and find them to be warm and witty with a wonderfully dry and dare I say, very English sense of humour. I really could not think of a better way to spend a Monday evening. Catch her while you can, she really is such a talent, you will not be disappointed.

Her Uk tour continues ….
May 13 . ULU . London (with Engineers).
May 14 . Truck Store . Oxford.
May 15 . Buffalo Bar . Cardiff.
May 16 . Café Oto . London (with This Is The Kit).
May 17 . The Puzzle Hall Inn . West Yorkshire.
May 18 . Prince Albert . Brighton (with David Thomas Broughton).
May 19 . The Slaughtered Lamb . London.
May 21 . Wood Festival . Oxfordshire.
This blog certainly loves Sarabeth, which is good because so do I. I loved your album review which was just so hearfelt and lovely. It was all true it’s such a great album and she is a singer who really means what she writes. Thank you also for these amazing live videos too. I want a Von pip mask, :P x
Thanks Ronette, I hoped I could do the album at least some justice because it really deserves peoples attention. Glad you’re a fan !
PS Vonpip masks are this seasons must have festival fashion accessory. !!