Songs To Learn And Sing – Milk Maid, Kyla La Grange, War Of The Wangs, The Good Natured remix, The Horrors and more.. Pris Video..

Songs To Learn And Sing – Milk Maid,  New Pris video- War Of The Wangs, Kyla La Grange, The Good Natured remix,   Paintings Of Ships,  The Dead Fronts and a new Mixcloud app!


Milk Maid’s  single ‘Not Me’  sounds rather like one of those wonderful early Creation Record releases, there’s a hint of the chiming guitars of  The House Of Love combined the shambling laconic cool of  a lo fi Mary Chain . It’s surf punk for people who really couldn’t be arsed surfing and as such is ten shades of wonderful.

[vimeo id=”23525608″ width=”600″ height=”350″]


 Pris – The Better You Look The More You See- Video!

We like Pris so much we gave them some our old vinyl. . . . and here’s the result!


We were also involved in a Twitter rumble, christened  #Warofthewangs or #Wanggate.  The always excellent  Breaking More Waves blog  gave an amusing and well balanced account of how events unfolded,  have a read HERE.  The over-sensitive may be offended and also have to google what a “wang” actually is before deciding to become outraged.  And of course we marked ‘War Of the Wangs”  with a slap-up meal, as you do !

Von Pip - Huge Wang
War Of the Wangs


 Kyla La Grange‘Been Better’

Kyla La Grange, Photo credit to Debbie ScanlanPhoto © Debbie Scanlan

Kyla la Grange was one of our tips for big things over the next year or two and her latest offering  has confirmed we were quite right, it’s Marianne Faithful meets Stevie Nicks in a smoky, gin soaked bar  and it’s also available as free download. Which makes it a double whammy of goodness.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=cf0b1b” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]


 The Good Natured Remix !

The Good Natured Skeleton Remix

As regular readers will know, we love  The Good Natured and will shout it from the rooftops, because……, well,. . . that’s what blogs do!  And maybe that’s the  big difference between blogs  and at least someof the  bandwagon jumping hipsters who reside within the confines of the more  traditional music press ? These scamps are paid to be hip and wear twatty Camden hats whilst snorting Sadie Frost’s toe nail clippings and as such it could be argued that some of their number have no real emotional investment in their tips, it’s purely about the ‘being seen to be hip’ – one up-manship and a step ladder towards the nirvana that is writing for lads mags and Tog Gear monthly. Bloggers generally tend to  promote artists we love because we believe in them, sometimes naively, sometimes unconditionally but always genuinely, there are no agendas and  I think that matters … a small way. But I digress, the Good Natured have  just released a new re-mix from their forthcoming ‘Skeleton’ EP – Check it out below.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=9b350b” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]


The HorrorsStill Life.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=true&auto_play=false&color=9b350b” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

Well, well, well , never in my wildest dreams (usually the one involving  Charlize  Theron and a deserted library..ahem.. ) did I expect to be blogging positively about the Horrors! As a bit of an old school punky/goth, I found their early work a trifle banal. You see I didn’t feel they were using their influences to produce anything remotely interesting …merely aping them… badly.   I didn’t soil my pants with unbridled glee at Primary Colours’  and although I felt it had a couple of interesting moments, I found the reverence  many bestowed upon it a trifle baffling. However I am nothing if not open minded and I must confess I love ‘Still Life’ . It’s moody,  majestic, joyous and magnificent, like being led from the darkness into the light!  Praise the lord I was blind, but now I see….Ok, Ok I’ll leave it at that.   Maybe The Horrors will finally win me over when their latest album ‘Skying’ is released? I really do hope so, I genuinely don’t listen to new music with the intention of being seriously underwhelmed.  And so for now I can forget the hair, the hype and the rather dubious name checking of some of my favourite bands if they continue to prouduce songs as enjoyable as ‘Still Life’.


Paintings Of Ships – ‘Love Will Always Follow You’

Paintings Of Ships

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=9b350b” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

Heavily influenced by guitar music of the 90s from Sonic Youth to Blur, Paintings Of Ships  is made up by Londoner Daniel Clancy on guitar/vocals, Middlesbrough lass Catherine Wilson on bass/vocals and drummer Matt Hill – the only thing to come out of Asby-de-la-Zouch apart from the  Young Knives and Cat from Pris.


The Dead Fronts.

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=9b350b” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]

The will be releasing their first single ‘You And Me’ as a free download via their bandcamp page on 27th June , but you can preview it here.


Mix Cloud Release I-Phone App

And finally,  there’s a new mixcloud app available for I phones/I-Touchs HERE,  enabling you to enjoy our podcasts where ever you are  (HERE). Imagine it ! A little scouse DJ in your pocket, like some sort of musical Jiminy Cricket !!! !!! What will they think of next !

10 thoughts on “Songs To Learn And Sing – Milk Maid, Kyla La Grange, War Of The Wangs, The Good Natured remix, The Horrors and more.. Pris Video..”

  1. Lol just read war of the Wangs on Breaking more waves. I’d have told them to fuck off.
    Anyway some right good tunes here mate. Keep it up and dont take no shit from spolit prma donnas

  2. So happy that Pris video image captures my favourite moment: when the drummer does his rock face. Absolutely loving Pris!

    Paintings Of Ships are amazing too (I’m not in Paintings Of Ships)

    I’m a wang.

  3. Pris – The Good Natured – “Wang Wars” – its more Von Pip goodness as far as I’m concerned.

    Must make it a point to check back here more frequently!


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