‘The Better You Look The More You See” By Pris.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/15242805″ params=”show_comments=false&auto_play=false&color=cf0b1b” width=”100%” height=”81″ ]
Here’s the forthcoming debut single from Pris who we have featured a fair few times on The VPME this year (interview here) Not only do they play power packed, post punk, snot pop with a vengeance, they also spend their spare time pissing off fans of ‘serious’ bands on twitter. It’s hilarious to see them winding up the purists in 140 charters or less.
And as my mates Half Man Half Biscuit once sang “ Irk The Purists it’s a right good laugh “

Pris were one of our selections when the Beeb invited us along to Tom Robinson’s interactive show “Now Playing on 6 music” playing the song for the first time, like, anywhere. We also wrote a blog in which we picked our favourite four albums of the year so far (HERE).
You can listen to our appearance on BBC6Music music at around 1(hr) 25 (mins) HERE on the BBC I-player where we feature the incredible Sarabeth Tucek and Islington Boys Club alongside Pris. The Quietus also pop in & select an array of ear candy for your delectation and edification.
In other news we are working on our latest podcast for the merry month of May, which even if we say it our selves is f*cking amazing !!!! April’s edition can be listened to HERE
Digging the new Pris tune. Its hard not to like them. Been rolling their tunes amongs all the other muck on my iPod over the last few weeks. Enjoyable! AVP keeps me connected to all the latest UK tuneage.
Thanks for another wonderful post.
Love Pris and loved Von Pip on 6 music. RINGO !!! lol x