goth factor

The Horrors-Primary Colours-Is It Really That Good ?

Cast your minds back, if you will, to those far-off innocent times shortly before the NME decided that Glasvegas were the bright shiny future of pop music and then began their inexorable and undignified climb up James Allan’s fundament. There was a brief period of time when said publication tried to put forward The Horrors as the latest guiding beacon for a lost generation of pop kids, and somehow it all sounded so right on paper to begin with. Some holy hallowed names were invoked in the process: they were the skewed warped voodoo ju ju of the The Cramps, the white-knuckle rollercoaster ride through Hades of The Birthday Party at their hellish narcotic peak, the sexed-up whiskey priest sinners of The Gun Club. Throw in the strychnine-soaked sixties garage trash of The Sonics and that, said the hacks, was The Horrors in a nutshell. Good God, we all thought, that sounds amazing, what could possibly go wrong?

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This Is The Modern World- Darren Hayman Interview

Essex-born Darren Hayman was the lead singer, songwriter and guitarist with Indie rock band Hefner, big favourites of the late, great, John Peel. Since their split in 2002, Darren has continued to produce interesting and thought provoking music and 2009 has seen the release of his tenth career album, the rather clever, rather lovely” Pram Town”

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Music News we/3/04/2009

News – Kids Love Lies, Manic Street Preachers, Kasabian, La Roux , We Were Promised Jetpacks, Levelload, Sound Of Guns and The Trouble with James Allan _____________________________________________________________________ KIDS LOVE LIES SINGLE LAUNCH 8TH APRIL @

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Shoot It Up-Sound Of Guns Interview

“Alcatraz” By Sound Of Guns [soundcloud url=””] Sound Of Guns are Andy Metcalfe – Vocals –Lee Glynn – Guitar-Nathan Crowley – Guitar John Coley – Bass –Si Finley – Drums You’d think being from Liverpool

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News From Nowhere-Orphans & Vandals Interview

“Terra Firma” By Orphans & Vandals Orphans & Vandals are : Al Joshua – guitar, harmonica, vocals, toy piano Francesca – violin, piano, glockenspiel, percussion, backing vocals Gabi Woo – drums, percussion, backing vocals, harmonium,

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Music News w/e 20th March 2009

Slow Down Tallahassee, Gomez, Glasvegas, The Answering Machine, Black Box Revelation, Liverpool SoundCity ____________________________________________________ Slow Down Tallahassee New Single Trick By Slow Down Tallahassee Slow Down Tallahassee follow up their highly acclaimed debut album “The