Body Type : Miss The World

Sydney-based quartet Body Type are back with a brand new track and news of a second album.

Clearly “Miss The World” was inspired by their time during COVID and it fizzes along at quite a pace containing their trade mark guitar licks, driven by the band’s energy and passion and fuelled by their righteous anger at a fucked up, but as yet not totally irredeemable, world. 

It’s the first new music from the band since the release of their independently released, Australian Music Prize-nominated debut album Everything Is Dangerous But Nothing’s Surprising. ( Review HERE)  And it arrives ahead of news that their second album Expired Candy (pre-order here) will be released on  June 2nd via Poison City Records.

Lyrically “Miss The World “ references  Former President Donald Dainty Hands Trump’s infamous “pussy” quote alongside musing on post-punk capitalists, entitlement and reflects on the infuriating and often baffling landscape of the last few years.  It is perhaps the start of trying to work out how to challenge a discourse that doesn’t seem to come from any framework of shared reality.  Or as lead vocalist and guitarist, Sophie McComish explains, “Yeah, yeah, on face value this is a COVID song. But more than that, it’s an ode to the realisations, personal and collective, that occurred during that time. Realisations about society, culture, values, the things that matter, the parts we play. At the end of the day, the world is totally absurd and many things make very little sense when you think about them too hard. But we gotta squeeze these little brains of ours and do the thinking, realise the realisations. Complacency is dangerous, passion is contagious.”

Body Type is Annabel Blackman (vocals, guitar), Sophie McComish (vocals, guitar), Cecil Coleman (drums, percussion), Georgia Wilkinson-Derums (vocals, bass)

Body Type Online

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Album pre-order:


Expired Candy LP

June 2 via Poison City Records (pre-order here)


Holding On

Summer Forever


Tread Overhead

Sha La La

Creation Of Man

Miss The World


Beat You Up

Albion Park

Expired Candy

Dream Girls

Shake Yer Memory


Thu 23 Mar – Fitz Rit @ The Curtin – Naarm / Melbourne

Fri 30 Jun – Roskilde Festival – Roskilde, DK

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